Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I can have both, just like you.

I never liked the whole "Which One Would You Choose" game people play, where the choices are either being with the person you love with no money, or having lots of money and no love. I can understand that it's a game to figure out what means more to someone, material things or something of sentimental value. Every time I play this little game, I always choose the "Both" choice (because it's quite logical), yet I am harshly told that that option is not in the rule book and therefore could not be chosen as an answer. You can understand how upset I would be at this, considering it's a very possible outcome and has happened once or twice in history.
I always hear from people (and by "people", I mean the ladies, and occasionally the guys, for whatever reason) that a person can't have love and money both, that having both was virtually impossible and , in short, was evil and made you become pro-choice, pro-same-sex-marriage, pro-atheism, pro-separation-of-church-and-state, and pro-everything-that-Fox-News-is-not (which is more or less the case). Now, being the pro-money guy that I am, I immediately thought "No, this can't be right. I'm quite confident I can have both!" Well, I finally decided to write down why.

Basically, it is believed by many that having a lot of money can never bring happiness, clouds your judgment, and makes you quite the sinful person.
Yet...having no money causes many a people to steal, murder, and do many illegal things in order to obtain even the slightest amount. Don't believe me? When was the last time Warren Buffett broke into someone's house for some petty cash? Didn't think so. That dude is SET for a few lifetimes.
Now, I know that anyone who is in love or ever has been in love will tell me "drunkenamir, you have no idea what you're talking about. Being in love is WAY better than having money...by like a thousand! Plus infinity!" That may be the case, but that doesn't mean you have to give up money in order to be in love. The money doesn't hinder anything. It just allows you to have stuff, and you love stuff. If you didn't, you wouldn't be reading this on your computer (which is, omg, a stuff). So don't gimme the whole "materials are bad and love is the only way to go". This isn't the '70s anymore, and even if it was, you'd still want stuff. Stuff is good. Buy stuff. I'm quite confident that if I'll never be in the predicament where someone is about to push the person that I love off a cliff, and the only way to save her was to renounce all my worldy stuff. I'm almost 90% sure that this will never happen. Almost.

Look, it works!

What many people don't understand is that it's virtually impossible in modern times to be in love without even a little bit of money. UNLESS, of course, you're a Cullen, in which case you don't really need money to stay alive (because you don't sleep, or eat, or breathe, or even die). And, last I checked, you're not a vampire, even if you dress up and act like one.

(Which leads me to something else entirely. People who dress up as anime characters are lame. This can't be argued, because it's a fact. In short, don't dress up like anime characters and go to anime conventions thinking you're cool. You just look ridiculous.)

I think it's wonderful that you would choose love over everything else, but look at it realistically: money pays for the roof over your head, the food you put in your mouth, and the crib you put your baby in, as well as EVERYTHING else. It's nice that you love love more and that you would give everything up for it, but living that life is as realistic as the Clippers winning anything. Keep your love, but don't be afraid to have some green in that purse of yours.

Note: The only ones who can argue this are those who are in love and actually live outside in a box. Kudos to you, by the way (how are you reading this?).
Note 2: Don't argue me as someone who is "in-between" the whole issue. You know who you are.

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